Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy faithful people, and kindle in them
the fire of Thy love: through the diversity of all tongues Thou
gatheredst together the nations in the unity of the faith. Alleluia!
Mount Calvary
Evangelical and Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Churches are parishes in
the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church as confessed in the
Evangelical Lutheran Church.
parishes exist to bring the Gospel of Jesus in Preaching and the
Sacraments through the liturgical life of the Lutheran church.
God became
man in Jesus Christ. The forgiveness won by His crucifixion, death, and
resurrection is made yours through the Preaching of the Gospel,
Baptism, Absolution, and the Lord's Supper.
We welcome
you to join us at Mount Calvary and Immanuel anytime. Our Pastor is
available to minister to your needs, and our people are eager to make
your acquaintance.